BBS in a Box 5
BBS in a Box -Volume V (BBS in a Box) (April 1992).iso
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Last Updated: 02-24-1992
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66 PANORAMA RVU.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-06-1991
DESC: Gary - Here's the review on Panorama. Tough one to evaluate because
KEY: PANORAMA RVU.cpt KBytes: 59392
DESC: there was a ton of material!. Text is in Times, 12 Pt. Hope the
DESC: graphics are okay. I've numbered them so you know the order they
DESC: appear and I noted in the text (you'll have to delete the note)
DESC: approximately where they would fit in. You'll use editorial license
DESC: here for best placement,
63 Persuasion Rev.dd 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 07-24-1991
DESC: Persuasion Rev.dd - is a review of Persuasion from Dorman Bullard of
KEY: Persuasion Rev.dd KBytes: 51200
DESC: the AMUG News Team. Other Users Groups may reprint provided AMUG
DESC: and the Author receive a copy of any reprints at 718 E. Campbell
DESC: Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85234.
62 PhotoPress.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-04-1990
DESC: PhotoPress Review with Tiff files and Word 4.0 article for March '90
KEY: PhotoPress.cpt KBytes: 190464
DESC: AMUG News Digest.
61 Photoshop .dd 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-05-1991
DESC: Thios is a review of Adobe Photoshop by Ronald D. LaCour.
KEY: Photoshop .dd KBytes: 41984
DESC: Preliminary rating on the product is 4 DAUGs on a 5 DAUG scale. The
DESC: documentation is very good. A very good tutorial is included and
DESC: explains the basics very well. From the DuPage User Group. DAUG,
DESC: DuPage Apple User Group, 848 Queenswood Ct., Wheaton, Il 60187.
DESC: This article may be reprinted provided the author and DuPage
DESC: receive credit. Use Disk Doubler 3.7 to decompress.
60 Photoshop10-91.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-03-1992
DESC: Photoshop opens door to a visual feast of delights. A Review by
KEY: Photoshop10-91.cpt KBytes: 9216
DESC: Marty Safir, MacValley Users Group. I haven’t been this excited
DESC: about new software in a long time. That familiar compulsion to
DESC: explore—to while away time just getting familiar with new menus, to
DESC: read and re-read passages of documentation until things begin to
DESC: make sense, to test commands over and over just to see the
DESC: results—it’s just “filtered” over me lately with Photoshop 2.0.
59 PLUS.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-05-1990
DESC: This is an article on PLUS. Hopefully you can get it in the March
KEY: PLUS.cpt KBytes: 14336
DESC: issue.
58 PM4.2 Opinion.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-23-1992
DESC: The arrival of PageMaker 4.2 will be met with praise from current
KEY: PM4.2 Opinion.cpt KBytes: 9216
DESC: users of the program, but with yawns from the rest of us. Aldus is
DESC: playing catchup with the competition with this release, but there
DESC: are definite improvements. The new version is System 7-savvy and
DESC: gives improved performance in several areas. There is support for
DESC: Publish and Subscribe, which gives improved linking to imported
DESC: graphics files. This is a review of PM 4.0 by the SMUG. Provided by
DESC: Jim Alley for BBS in a BOX distribution.
57 PPress Review 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-11-1991
DESC: This is a review of Personal Press Review by Frank Turovich of
KEY: PPress Review KBytes: 18432
DESC: AMUG. Reprinted from AMUG News of the Arizona Macintosh Users
DESC: Group.
56 PRES DESK 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-03-1990
DESC: This is the Presidents desk for April 1990.
KEY: PRES DESK KBytes: 7168
55 PrinterReview.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-14-1991
DESC: This is a review of several laser printers by Jim Wison for AMUG
KEY: PrinterReview.cpt KBytes: 17408
DESC: News. This Quark file reviews approximately 8 dufferent laser
DESC: printers, speeds, quality and the works. Reprinted from AMUG News.
DESC: Other User Groups may reprint this review provided the author, and
DESC: AMUG are provided a copy at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ
DESC: 85234.
54 PROGRAPH REV2.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-22-1991
DESC: The 2nd review in a series on Prograpg 2.0.
KEY: PROGRAPH REV2.cpt KBytes: 38912
53 Prograph Review 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-04-1991
DESC: Prograph Review for the AMUG Newsletter.
KEY: Prograph Review KBytes: 35840
52 ProgTools.CPT 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-05-1990
DESC: Gary, this is a programing Article for the September issue of AMUG
KEY: ProgTools.CPT KBytes: 5120
DESC: News. Thanks, Chris.
51 Quadra Blues 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-16-1991
DESC: Quadra Blues is a review from the AMUG News team on the Quadra 700
KEY: Quadra Blues KBytes: 9216
DESC: or is it...grin. This early insight into Quadra mania may be
DESC: reprinted provided the author and AMUG receive a copy of any
DESC: reprints and credit at 718 E. Campbell Ave., Gilbert, AZ 85324.
46 R-Mission 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-28-1991
DESC: Review of Mission Starlight for the Amug News by Doug Castor...
KEY: R-Mission KBytes: 9216
44 RagTime 3 Review.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-17-1991
DESC: Yo- RagTime 3 Review in WOrd 4 format with PICT graphics shrunk to
KEY: RagTime 3 Review.cpt KBytes: 20480
DESC: 48% using the SHIFT key in Word. Frank
43 Ragtime(C).cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-22-1991
DESC: Ragtime 3 Review proofed by Chardonai in Compactor format.
KEY: Ragtime(C).cpt KBytes: 22528
41 RENEWTIME 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-22-1989
DESC: Why to renew Amug Membership?
39 Review 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-09-1990
DESC: This is my review of CheckFree. There shuld also be some art in PICT
KEY: Review KBytes: 6144
DESC: format to go with it.
38 review 1mw 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-24-1990
DESC: Game review: Sands of Fire
KEY: review 1mw KBytes: 5120
37 Review Are Fig 4 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-09-1990
DESC: This is the 4th and last art for the CheckFree Review.
KEY: Review Are Fig 4 KBytes: 5120
36 Review Art Fig 2 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-09-1990
DESC: This is the second piect of art fr the CheckFree Review.
KEY: Review Art Fig 2 KBytes: 5120
35 Review Art Fig 3 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-09-1990
DESC: This is the third piece of art for the CheckFree Review.
KEY: Review Art Fig 3 KBytes: 7168
34 Review Art Fig I 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-09-1990
DESC: this is part of the Checkfree review. It is Figure 1 in PICT form
KEY: Review Art Fig I KBytes: 5120
33 REVUSER #9.CPT 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 09-09-1991
DESC: Here's RevUser #9, the most recent (as of this writing, of course)
KEY: REVUSER #9.CPT KBytes: 78848
DESC: in a series of user-written reviews. This time we look at the wide
DESC: world of chess programs, including Battle Chess, Checkmate,
DESC: Chessmaster 2100, GNU Chess, KnightEdit, and Sargon IV. This is a
DESC: Compact Pro archive containing a DOCMaker application. Nothing else
DESC: needed!
31 Sabastian.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-09-1990
DESC: Gary, this is the sabastian software ad for Nov.'90. Please replace
KEY: Sabastian.cpt KBytes: 34816
DESC: the old one in the November issue. Thanks, -Michael
30 Safe Computing.text 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-16-1991
DESC: This is a great beginner-level article for your newsletter. It
KEY: Safe Computing.text KBytes: 11264
DESC: discusses all of the things that can go wrong with disks and, more
DESC: importantly, how to avoid them. "Bit flipping" from physical or
DESC: magnetic damage is discussed, as well as an overview of viruses.
DESC: Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the Savannah Macintosh
DESC: Users' Group. Misty Spinelli
29 SALES BROCHURE 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-18-1991
DESC: This is the new sales broucher for advertising proposed for AMUG in
DESC: PageMaker 4.0 format.
27 ScriptEdit.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-07-1990
DESC: This is the review of Script Edit for the Newsletter.
KEY: ScriptEdit.cpt KBytes: 8192
26 SCSI article 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-25-1991
DESC: This article is a reprint from the Macintosh Enthusiasts Giving
KEY: SCSI article KBytes: 11264
DESC: Support newsletter, "LocalTalk." It may be reprinted by other User
DESC: Groups provided MEGS and the author receive credit and a copy of
DESC: any reprint at 5325 Red Sky Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80915
DESC: (719-637-1016). - Chriss Koch SCSI — Exact Science or Black Magic?
DESC: by Chriss Koch
25 SE 30 Something 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 06-04-1990
DESC: SE 30 Something for the digest if you can use it. About my new
KEY: SE 30 Something KBytes: 10240
DESC: Gemini Accelerator board from total systems.
24 SE30_COLOR_CARDS.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-01-1991
DESC: This stuffed Word 4.0 document discusses a few color cards for the
KEY: SE30_COLOR_CARDS.cpt KBytes: 7168
DESC: SE/30 and list Model Names, Manufacturer Names, Addresses, and
DESC: phone numbers for more SE/30 color cards. This is an update of my
DESC: earlier file.
23 Sept '91PresDesk 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-28-1991
DESC: This is the AMUG Sept '91 Presidents Desk. Portions may be reprinted
KEY: Sept '91PresDesk KBytes: 20480
DESC: by other User Groups provided the author and the AMUG News Team are
DESC: given credit and a copy of the reprint at 718 E. Campbell Ave.,
DESC: Gilbert, AZ 85234.
22 Sept90PresDesk 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 08-02-1990
DESC: Gary, This is the September Presidents desk for 1990. We need to
KEY: Sept90PresDesk KBytes: 9216
DESC: mail the September issue EARLY. In order for our members to get
DESC: proper notice on the Letraset meeting. I need the September issue
DESC: MAIL in the last few days of August. I HOPE you can do this. This
DESC: moves all deadlines up approximately 1 week. If there is a problem
DESC: please let me know. Thanks for a GREAT job! -Michael
21 SHADOW.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-19-1990
DESC: SHADOW.SIT is a great review of Sky Shadow by Cassady & Green for
KEY: SHADOW.cpt KBytes: 22528
DESC: the AMUG Newsletter by Mike Bromley.
20 SimEarth Review.Word 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-16-1991
DESC: Busy as I am I still like to sit back once in awhile and play a good
KEY: SimEarth Review.Word KBytes: 22528
DESC: computer game for the pure joy. When I heard Maxis Software had a
DESC: near-sequel to SimCity I had to have a copy. SimCity was addictive,
DESC: not only for me, but my wife couldn’t get enough. We found
DESC: ourselves designing cities during dinner and racing to the computer
DESC: to set up our latest design. Sigh! As much as we played, we never
DESC: made that winning megapolis level. This is a review for AMUG News.
19 SL/HDT Review 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-03-1992
DESC: Reprint of this article is allowed by other Apple users groups and
KEY: SL/HDT Review KBytes: 48128
DESC: MNS member groups under the condition that a copy of the
DESC: publication in which the article appears is sent to the group. -
DESC: Mail copies to: Newsletter Editors, MOUSE users group, c/o 621
DESC: Bishop Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06610-3001. Hard Drive Considerations
DESC: By Bill DeFelice and Bob Person Macintosh Owners, Users & System
DESC: Enthusiasts (MOUSE) Users Group Fairfield County, Connecticut.
17 Stop that Burglar 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 01-22-1990
DESC: Larger article for a larger March issue of the digest. Perhaps Gary
KEY: Stop that Burglar KBytes: 5120
DESC: fields can use it in the newsletter.
16 STP BURGLAR 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 03-17-1990
DESC: Stop That Burglar article, maybe you can use it in the newsletter if
DESC: youre real desprite!
15 STUFF FOR JUNE.CPT 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-11-1991
DESC: This file contains articles for the June AMUG NEWS issue submitted
DESC: by Lea Bromley. Articles concern the Best of series and the Desktop
DESC: Publishing SIG.
12 SUM Review AMUG 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-11-1991
DESC: This is a review of SUMII by Jim West of AMUG. Reprinted from AMUG
KEY: SUM Review AMUG KBytes: 17408
DESC: News of the Arizona Macintosh Users Group. Other user groups may
DESC: reprint provided the author and AMUG are given credit.
10 SuperDisk Review.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-16-1991
DESC: Bob Rockefeller reviews SuperDisk is the hot new on-the-fly file
KEY: SuperDisk Review.cpt KBytes: 13312
DESC: compression utility. The text and charts in this review show
DESC: SuperDisk to be much(!) faster than DiskDoubler. The Compression
DESC: wars continue! Reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter of the
DESC: Savannah Macintosh Users' Group.
8 SuperMacAd.cpt 2 B AMUG BBS in a Box 05-04-1990
DESC: Gary, Here is the June '90 SuperMac ad... too bad they did not get
KEY: SuperMacAd.cpt KBytes: 84992
DESC: it to us for May. If you have any questions call me at 892-5454. I
DESC: have payment for this ad.
7 SURGE PROTECTION 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-06-1991
DESC: SURGE PROTECTION is a review by Wallace Brenton for AMUG News.
6 Swamp Gas.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 12-08-1991
DESC: Here's a game that is truly a blend of education and entertainment.
KEY: Swamp Gas.cpt KBytes: 3072
DESC: Tested by professionals and reprinted from Mac Monitor, newsletter
DESC: of the Savannah Macintosh Users Group. By Peter Simpson.
5 SymmetryAd.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-19-1990
DESC: Gary, This is the Symmetry ad at the last minute for the Nov'90
KEY: SymmetryAd.cpt KBytes: 94208
DESC: issue.
4 Synch Review.cpt 1 B AMUG BBS in a Box 11-04-1989
DESC: Review of Synchroncity 1.1. Gary: If you are not going to
KEY: Synch Review.cpt KBytes: 46080
DESC: use this soon, Please let me know and I will post it for download.
DESC: I may do that anyhow. PS for Mike's benefit primarily:
DESC: This was from AppleLink.
3 System 6.0.4 (A/O) 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 10-03-1990
DESC: This is information on system 6.0.4 from america on line.
KEY: System 6.0.4 (A/O) KBytes: 19456
2 System7 Review.cpt 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 02-17-1992
DESC: This is an extensive overview of System 7, its powerful features,
KEY: System7 Review.cpt KBytes: 57344
DESC: and many tips on how to get the best from System 7. It covers why
DESC: you should switch to System7, as well as weaknesses of the system
DESC: and who should not go to System 7. It appeared as the lead article
DESC: in the Feb 1992 issue of the MacValley Voice, newsletter of the
DESC: MacValley users group, Burbank and the greateSan Fernando Valley,
DESC: CA. You will find it fun, interesting reading, and a good addition
DESC: to and teaching about System 7. Feel free to re-publish it in your
DESC: newsletter.
1 System7.QC.17. 0 B AMUG BBS in a Box 04-02-1991
DESC: AUTHOR: Apple Quick Connect NL, EQUIPMENT:Any Computer, NEEDS: ASCII
KEY: System7.QC.17. KBytes: 10240
DESC: Text Reader. QuickConnect January/February 1991 - Newsletter for
DESC: Apple User Groups. System 7.0 Myth vs. Fact - a good insite into
DESC: Apple's new System 7 (File name: QC.17.System7). These articles may
DESC: be reproduced in other User Group publications not sold for profit.
DESC: We require only that credit be given to The Apple Computer User
DESC: Group Connection and that we receive a copy of any publication in
DESC: which reprinted articles appear. The Apple User Group Connection,
DESC: Apple Computer, Inc., 20525 Mariani Avenue, MS: 36/AA, Cupertino,
DESC: CA 95014.